2015-02-03 | Pressemeldung | EU | Rohstoffe

Sugarcane from Europe

Alkol Biotech (Spain) will develop new sugarcane varieties with better characteristics, such as better resistance to pests, higher sugar or fiber yields, more resistance to chemicals, etc. These varieties will be then exported to sugarcane growing countries such as USA, Brazil, China, etc, and royalties charged for their use. The company has started in January shipping of its EUnergyCane sugarcane hybrid grown in Spain. The first customer, a danish provider of cellulosic ethanol technologies, will use the hybrid to test its technologies aiming to the increasingly large cellulosic ethanol in Brazil, and is receiving it as dry bagasse. The EUnergyCane is a sugarcane hybrid grown in the south of Spain. It is a hybrid of naturally occurring sugarcane varieties grown for over 200 years in the south of Spain. To that end, the company is continuously improving it with the idea of farmers to grow it in the southern belt of Europe.

Source: Alkol Biotech