2017-02-22 | Pressemeldung | International | Biotreibstoffe

Drop-in biofuels for marine and aviation markets

Presentations now available

A workshop was held in conjunction with ExCo78 in Rotorua, New Zealand on the 9th November 2016. With approximately 60 participants, the theme of the workshop was Drop-in biofuels for international marine and aviation markets. Fifteen invited speakers gave presentations (including three through videoconference) in three sessions followed by a panel discussions as follows:

  • Setting the scene and organising supply chains
  • Perspectives for marine biofuels
  • Perspectives for aviation biofuels
  • Panel discussion on policy options and recommendations to support biofuels in international marine and aviation markets

The workshop concluded with a summary and conclusions session

Source: IEA Bioenergy
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